16. Siha 19. Agamu 22. Rakkhasu 25. Gāmu 28. Gharo
17. Rayaņu 20. Marua 23. Dukkha 26. Rāyā 29. Vayu
18. Diaro 21. Kiyantā 24. Bappo 27. Dujjasu 30. Māula
Example -
Number Original Gender
Noun Singular Narinda Masculine
Case ending
Third Person
Note -
Up to the exercise 10 the basis of the construction of sentences is Personal Pronouns. Make use of "Apabhraṁsa Grammar and Composition" as directed for the forms of the Personal Pronouns.
Personal Pronouns
1. See lesson 83 for the First Person Pronoun in three Genders. Page
No. 200 Amha, (1) Personal Pronoun in the First Person.
2. See lesson 83 for the Second Person Pronoun in three Genders.
Page No. 201 Tumha, (You) Personal Pronoun in the Second Person.
3. See lesson 83 for the Third Person Pronoun in Masculine Gender.
Page No. 187 Ta, (He) Personal Pronoun in the Third Person.
4. See lesson 83 for the Third Person Pronoun in Neuter Gender. Page
No. 188 Ta, (That) Personal Pronoun in the Third Person.
5. See lesson 83 for the Third Person Pronoun in Feminine Gender.
Page No. 188 Tå, (She) Personal Pronoun in the Third Person.
Apabhrarnsa Exercise Book
Jain Education International
For Private & Personal Use Only