(B) Write the inflected Personal Pronouns in agreement with the
Number of the following Verbal forms.
2. .....
1. ..... Lajjahur 2. ...... Ruvittha 3....... Darahi 4. ...... Kalahai 5. ...... Thakkau ..... Acchahim
7. ...... Pademu 8 . ...... Utthahu 9. ...... Tadaphadasi 10. ...... Ghumei 11. ..... Bhidami ...... Ucchalanti 13. ...... Ujjamama 14. ...... Ullasaha 15....... Karpae 16. ...... Marami 17....... Khelante ...... Kullamo 19. ...... Jujjhaha 20...... Mucchase 21. ...... Lajjahim
Acchahur 23. ...... Thakkittha 24....... Ruvauí 25. ...... Kalahahi 26..... Darai 27.... Padama 28. ...... Utthanti 29....... Tadaphadami 30....... Ghumemo 31. ...... Mucchamu 32....... Jujjhi 33....... Kullau 34. ...... Khelamo 35. ...... Maraha 36....... Kampantu 37 ....... Ullasemu 3 8....... Ujjame 39. ...... Ucchaleu 40....... Bhidāmo 41....... Ghumeha 42....... Tadaphadentu 43. ...... Utthu 44....... Padamu ...... Acchau 46...... Thakka 47....... Kalahaha ....... Darantu 49. ...... Ruvamo 50....... Lajjahi 51. ...... Bhidemu 52. ...... Kalaheu 53. ...... Jujjheha 54....... Ullasentu 55. ...... Khelahi 56....... Darāmo 57........ Ghumasu 58. ...... Tadaphadamu 59....... Lajjaha 60...... Daresu
Example: - 1. Amhe/Amhaim
2. Tumhe/Tumhaim
3.Tuhum Darahi
(C) Write all the alternative forms of the Present Tense and the
Imperative of Verbs given in brackets in agreement with the following Personal Pronouns. Present Tense
Imperative 1. Amhe (Jujjha)
16. Tuhum (Ucchala) 2. So (Kulla)
17. Hauṁ (Ruva)
Apabhramsa Exercise Book
Jain Education International
For Private & Personal Use Only