15. Father blames the son. 16. Saint should renounce pride. 17. God will protect you. 18. Raghu helps us. 19. The Cleaner of granary digs the pit. 20. Sayambhu salutes Rama. 21. Son eats honey. 22. Son should touch the knee. 23. You withhold the tears. 24. He will search the things. 25. The cow breaks the tree of Jāmuna. 26. Daughter-in-law will serve the mother-in-law. 27. The army will kill the beings. 28. Sister thieves the rope. 29. Son dirts the cloth. 30. The elephant will drink water.
Example :
The master partakes of food.
Apabhramsa Exercise Book
Jain Education International
Sămi/ Bhoyana/ Sāmi Bhoyaṇa/ Bhoyanu.
For Private & Personal Use Only