Bhrame Rado Vũ [(Bhrameh) + Adah) + (Vă)] YÀ: (411) 5/1 3115: (345) 1/1 an Bhrameḥ (Bhrami) 5/1 Adaḥ (Āda)171. Vă = Alternatively Alternatively, after bhama( 44), there occurs aļa (3775). Alternatively, after bhrami + bhrama + bhama (47) there occurs aļa (3715) in place of the Causative suffix ņi (fu). (44+ ful) = (444+3715) = 4H15 (Bhama + ņi) = (Bhama + ada) - Bhamada
14. gillat-01-919-os ha 3/152
Lugāvi - Kta - Bhāva - Karmasu g'lla-07-9419-aota [(cak)+(31141)]-71-979- Lugavi - Kta - Bhava - Karmasu [(Luk) + (Āvi)] - Kta - Bhava - Karmasu [(006)-(371fa)1/2] [(071-979-077) 7/3] [(Luk) - (Āvī) 1/2] [(Kta) - (Bhāva) - (Karma) 7/3] In making the kta (Past Participle), the bhava (Impersonal Form) and the karma (Passive Voice) there occur lopa (zero suffix) (O'Yp12) and avi (341fa) (in place of ņi) (fa). There occur lopa (zero suffix) ("O' ) and avi ( 311fa) in place of ņi (for) Causative suffix for making the kta
+ta+a (37) Past Participle, (ijja and ia) (SoC and $37) Impersonal Form and Passive Voice.
Past Participle (/ sobretot 56671) (1) (i) (54 +fu ) = (5 + 0) = (E14 + 37) - E1434
Advanced Präkrta-Apabhraíśa-Grammar (Part-II)
Jain Education International
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