Chapter - 2
Samayasära Emotions and the like are Fruition of Karma which is NON-SELF and not THE SELF.
एदे सव्वे भावा पोग्गलदव्वपरिणामणिप्पण्णा। केवलिजिणेहि भणिदा किह ते जीवो त्ति वुच्चंति॥६॥ ede savve bhāvā poggaladavvapariņāmaņippannā. kevalijinehi bhaạidā kiha te jīvo tti vuccamti.. 6
अट्ठविहं पि य कम्मं सव्वं पोग्गलमयं जिणा विंति।
जस्स फलं तं वुच्चदि दुक्खं ति विपच्चमाणस्स॥७॥ atthaviham pi ya kammam savvam poggalamayam jiņā vimti. jassa phalam tam vuccadi dukkham ti vipaccamānassa.. 7
(Ede savve bhāvā) The aforementioned (affective) emotional states (poggaladavva-pariņāma-nippannā) are produced by the modifications of the material karma, (kevalijiņehi bhanidā) so says the omniscient-Jinendra Bhagavāna-himself, (kiha te jīvo tti vuccamti) then how can anybody call it the soul or self?
(Athaviham pi ya savvam kammam) All the eight main types of karma (poggalamayam jiņā vimti) are proclaimed to be material i.e. composed of material atoms by omniscient-Jinendra Deva (ti vuccadi) it is said that (vipāccamānassa) the fruition of all these types of karma (tam dukkham) is always painful. Annotations :
These verses explain why the concepts & beliefs mentioned in the previous verses were rejected as false. Ācārya Kundakunda puts forward the authority of the omniscient-Jinendra Bhagavāna-himself who has directly experienced the pure & perfect character of the soul. If the affective states (adhayasāna) & the like were the characteristics of the soul, they would not have disappeared, when the deluding (mohaniya) karma was demolished by the omniscient. Therefore, it is proved that they were modifications of the deluding karma and not those of soul. Similarly all eight main types of karma are composed of material atoms of karmavarganā and are alien to the soul.
Eight types of karma are : 1. Jñānāvaraṇa karma-Knowledge-obscuring
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