Nandurbar 27 Kms away, from where autos, buses are available. Dhulia is 60 Kms, Ner 55 Kms away from this shrine. This is located on Dondiache road which is 25 Kms from Chimdana, which in turn is 4 Kms from Sakri, situated on Surat-Nagpur highway. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging a fully equipped dharmashala close to the temple and for meals a bhojanalaya is available. Managed By : Sri Vimalnath Swami Jain Shvetambar Pedhi P. O. Balsana - 424 304. Dist : Dhulia, Maharashtra State Telephone : 02568-78214, 02562-38091 (Dhulia Pedhi)
SRI MANGI-TUNGI TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Adinath Bhagwan in white colour, seated in a semilotus posture of height 137 Cms in a shrine on a high mountain called Galna surrounded by wild forest and 1371 meters above sea level (Dig.). Approach - Route :
The railway station of Nawapur and Manmad are 80 and 97 Kms respectively from this shrine. The nearby large town is Tahrabad from where the base is 10 Kms away where taxis and buses are available. At the base, there is also a village of Bhilwad. The distance between the temples at the base and the temple on the mountain top is 7 Kms. The ascent on the mountain is 1.5 Kms and there are a total of 3260 steps cut to reach the temple. Dhuliya is around 105 Kms and Nasik around 122 Kms away Jain Education International 2000 POB/ategi Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org