Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan in black colour, seated in semilotus posture, of height 107 Cms in a shrine in Shirpur village. Approach - Route:
The nearby railway station of Vasim is 19 Kms away from the shrine. From Akola, this is 72 Kms away. Nearby large town is Malegaon, 11 Kms from Shirpur on Hingoli-Balapur road where taxis and buses are available. There is tar road till the temple and car, buses can go upto the temple. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
Nearby the temple, there is Shvetambar dharmashala for lodging with all facilities and a bhojanalaya for meals are available. Nearby there is a Digambar dharmashala too.
Managed By:
Sri Antariksh Parshvanath Maharaj Sansthan P. O. Shirpur - 444 504. Dist: Vasim, Maharashtra State Telephone: 07254-34005
Presiding Deity and Location:
Sri Vimalnath Bhagwan in black colour seated in a lotus posture of height around 77 Cms in a shrine in the village of Balsana (Shve.).
Approach - Route:
The nearby railway station Dondiache is 30 Kms and
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