Approach - Route:
The nearby railway station is Dhwarpudi 10 Kms away from here, where autos, taxis are available. Medapeta is 5 Kms, Rawal Palem 13 Kms, Ramchandrapuram 15 Kms, Rajamahendry 40 Kms and Vijayawada is around 200 Kms from here. This place from Ravipalni is on Kakinada road. Cars and taxis can to upto the temple.
Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging and boarding a well equipped dharmashala with all facilities along with a bhojanshala is available. Managed By :
Sri Chintamani Parshvanath Jain Temple Tirth National Highway No. 5, P.O. Gummileru - 533 232. Dist: Purvagodavari, Andhra Pradesh State Telephone: 08855-34037 (P.P.)
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Parshvanath Bhagwan in black colour, seated in a semilotus posture and of height 120 Cms in a shrine in the village of Humbaj (Dig.).
Approach - Route:
The nearby railway station of Arsalu which comes within Shimoga district is 25 Kms. Shimoga is 60 Kms away from the shrine from where buses and taxis are available. From the village of Tirthhulli, Humbaj is 29 Kms away. There is a tar road upto the temple. From Bangalore via Shimoga this shrine is 340 Kms
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