Approach - Route :
This place is 8 Kms away from the railway station of Banares Camp, from where buses and taxis are available. Near Sarnath Char Rasta there is the Digambar Temple. In Hiravanapur, about 1.5 Kms from Sarnath, there is the Shvetambar Temple. Cars and buses can go right upto the temple. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
Near the temples, there are Shvetambar and Digambar dharmashalas for lodging where water and electricity are available. Managed By : 1. Sri Chintamani Parshvanath Jain Shvetambar Panchayati Bada Mandir and Tirth Mahasabha P. O. Sarnath : 221 007. Dist : Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh State Telephone : 0542-585017, Main Office : 401346 2. Sri Digambar Jain Shreyansnath Mandir, Sinhapuri (Digambar Jain Samaj, Kasi) P.O. Sarnath - 221 007. Dist: Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh SRI BHADAINI TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Suparshvanath Bhagwan in white colour, seated in a lotus posture, and of height 68 Cms. (Shve.) and Sri Suparshvanath Bhagwan in white colour seated in a lotus posture and of height 46 Cms. (Dig.) in shrines located on the bank of Ganga, about 1.5 Km away from Bhelpur (Banares). The spot is also known as Jain Ghat.
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