called Chandravati also known as Chandroti. Approach - Route :
Nearby railway station of Kadipur and Banaras are 5 and 23 Kms away respectively. It is more convenient and advisable to settle down first at Banaras and then visit this shrine. Buses stop on Banaras-Gazipur main road from where the shrine is about 1 Km far. Private buses and cars can ply upto dharmashala from where the temple is only at a distance of about 200 meters. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
For lodging, both Shvetambar and Digambar dharmashalas exist where facilities such as water, electricity and cooking utensils etc. are available. Managed By :
Sri Jain Shvetambar Tirth Society Chandrapuri Tirth, P. O. Chandravati - 221 104. Dist: Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, Telephone : 0542-615316 Sri Digambar Jain Mandir Chandrapuri Tirth P. O. Chandravati - 221 104.
Uttar Pradesh. Telephone : 0542-6152897615331 (P.P.) SRI SINHAPURI TEERTH (Sarnath) Presiding Deity and Location : 1. Sri Shreyansnath Bhagwan in white colour, seated in
lotus posture and of height 30 Cms (Shve.) and 2. Sri Shreyansnath Bhagwan in black colour, seated in a
lotus posture and of height 75 Cms (Dig.).
The former is located in the village of Hiravanapur and the latter in Sarnath Char Rasta. Jain Education International 2000 POB/ate27 Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org