Vaishali, 1 Km away. Approach - Route :
Nearest railway stations are Muzaffarpur and Hajipur both 35 Kms away and Patna which is 55 Kms away from where buses and taxis are available. Bus stand is about 1.5 Kms from the temple. Buses stop at the spot opposite to Jain Vihar. Buses and cars ply right upto the temple gates. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There is a tourist information centre of the tourist department of the Government of Bihar where pilgrims can temporarily stay. Besides, there is a Jain Vihar dharmashala where water, electricity are available. Managed By : Sri Vaishali Kundpur Tirthkshetra Committee P. O. Vaishali - 844 128. Dist : Vaishali, Bihar State Telcphone : 06225-29520 SRI CHAMPAPURI TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Vasupujya Bhagwan in a lotus posture in white colour and of height 45 Cms (Shve.), Sri Vasupujya Bhagwan in a lotus posture in green colour and of height 97 Cms (Dig.), both in a shrine on the bank of Ganga near Bhagalpur railway station almost adjacent to Champanala which is called Champanagar (Champapuri). Approach - Route :
Railway station of Bhagalpur is 6 Kms away from the Shvetambar temple and 3 Kms from the Digambar temple, from Jain Education International 2560 Posate 20ersonal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org