Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There is a old dharmashala for lodging where all facilities are available and a bhojanshala for meals. Managed By : Sri Vadali Jain Shvetambar Murtipujak Sangh PO. Vadali - 383 235. Dist : Sabarkantha, Gujarat State Telephone : 02778-22419 SRI IDAR TEERTH Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Shantinath Bhagwan in white colour, seated in a lotus posture, of height 78 Cms in a shrine on a hill at the height of 1972 Km from the base level of Idar fort which is 1 Km from the town of Idar. The hill is sorrounded by several hillocks full of wild green vegetation extremely beautiful to look at and pleasing to the mind. (Shve.) Approach - Route :
The railway station of Idar is on Ahmedabad Khedbrahma rail route. There are 600 steps. Taxis and horse-driven vehicles are available for transport. Cars can go upto the base of the Idar fort. Khedbrahma is 20 Kms, Kumbhariaji 65 Kms and Ahmedabad is 100 Kms away from this shrine. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There is a dharmashala with all facilities and a bhojanshala both in Idar town as well as on the hills. Managed By : Seth Anandji Mangalji Ni Pedhi Kothariwada, P.O. Idar - 383 430. Taluka : Sabarkantha, Gujarat
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