Approach - Route :
Both the railway station and bus stand of Khedbrahma are 1/2 Km away from the temple, where autos are available. Buses can go upto the temple. Kumbharia is 40 Kms, Idar is 20 Kms and Ahmedabad is 125 Kms away from the temple and is on the Ahmedabad-Ambaji road. Amenities For Jain Pilgrims :
There is a old dharmashala for lodging where water and electricity are available. Managed By : Sri Dasa Porwal Jain Shvetambar Murtipujak Panch Mahajan P.O. Khedbrahma - 383 255. Dist: Sabarkantha, Gujarat Telephone: 02775-20068 / 20108 (P.P.)
Presiding Deity and Location :
Sri Amizara Parshvanath Bhagawan in black colour seated in a lotus posture and of height 90 Cms in the town of Vadali. (Shve.) Approach - Route :
The nearby railway station of Vadali is about a kilometer from the temple. On Ahmedabad-Khedbrahma road, Vadali is before Khedbrahma. From Idar shrine, this shrine is 14 Kms away from Khedbrahma and from Himmatnagar it is at a distance of 44 Kms. In the town Vadali, auto-rickshaws are available for transport. Jain Education International 2500 Porrate 148 ersonal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org