stage of final disembodied liberation unless the four aghati-karma are destroyed. It means that when all the karmas are destroyed the self is freed and becomes a siddha.35
The self does not lose all its essential characteristics even if it is infected by sarvaghati-karma. The analogy of the sun and cloud is useful here. As there is always some light, though the sun is covered with the dense veil of clouds so the self retains some fragment of pure or right knowledge, though it is covered with the dirt of karma.36
Each of the eight main types of karma (mula-prakṛtis) can be divided further into a number of sub-types (uttaraprakṛtis). There can be further sub-divisions on the basis of sub-types, so there would be exceedingly large number of karmas. But for the present we have to consider eight main types which are as follows:
I. Jñānāvaraṇīya-karma: it is divided into five sub-types, viz.
1. matijñānāvaraṇīya which veils the knowledge attained through senses plus something else.
2. śrutajñānāvaraṇīya which obstructs the knowledge acquired through reading scriptures, studying, symbols and signs. 3. avadhijñānāvaraṇīya which hinders transcendental knowledge of material things.
4. manaḥparyāyajñānāvaraṇīya which conceals the mind knowing knowledge of others.
5. kevalajñānāvaraṇīya which obscures the omniscience which has no limitation of space, time or subject.
II. Darśanavaraṇīya-karma: it is divided into nine types corresponding to the four types of perception and five kinds of sleep, viz. 1. cakṣudarśanavaraṇīya which covers the eye perception. 2. acak şudarśanāvaraṇīya which veils non-eye intuition.
3. avadhidarśanavaraṇīya which produces the hindrance of transcendental undifferentiated cognition of material things.
4. kevaladarśanavaraṇīya which covers the pure and perfect
5. nidra produces light and easy sleep.
6. nidra-nidrā creates deep slumber with difficult rising.
7. pracală causes a sound sleep while sitting or standing.
8. pracala-pracală gives intensive sleep while walking.
9. styānaṛddhi induces deep sleep while walking and doing some
superhuman deeds.
Sarvärthasiddhi, X. 2. 36. Nandisutra, 42.
Jain Education International 2010_03
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