theless) such a man (the one born organless) (experiences pain) when struck or cut with a weapon, (so do the beings of air-body).
& R. TI Hoà, quận 11 Hoa • 162. Appege pāyamabbhe, appege pāyamacche?. 162. (On simultaneously) cutting and severing with weapons,
(all the following thirty-two anatomical features of a man, he suffers excruciating pain though he would not be able to express it): Foot, ankle, leg, knee, thigh, waist, belly, stomach, flank, back, bosom, heart, breast, shoulder, arm, hand, finger, nail, neck, chin, lip, tooth, tongue, palate, throat, temple, ear, nose, eye, brow, forehead, and head. (So is the case with the beings of air-body).
१६३. अप्पेगे संपमारए, अप्पेगे उद्दवए। 163. Appege sampamārae, appege uddavae. 163. Man (experiences pain) when forced into unconscious
ness or when he is deprived of life. (so do the beings
of air-body). हिंसाविवेग-पदं 8€8. Haft_Aifa HiTEHT TUTT, TT Fincifaoi
फरिसं च खलु पुट्ठा, एगे संघायमावज्जति ॥ जे तत्थं संघायमावज्जंति, ते तत्थ परियावज्जंति,
जे तत्थ परियावज्जंति, ते तत्थ उद्दायंति ॥ Hiṁsāvivega -padań 164. Se bemi-Sarti sa mpăimā pānā, ähacca sampay
aṁti ya. Pharisaṁ ca khalu putthā, ege saṁnghaya māvajjanti Je tatthaṁ samghāyamāvajjamti, te tattha pa riya
vajjaṁti. 1. For the complete text, see, 1/29.
Jain Education International 2010_03
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