Let's go beyond the mind/19
Whatever comes to the mind let it come. Don't enter into a bond of friendship to it of your own self. To mould the activities of life as per the dictates of mind, is alienation from spiritualism. Those who have accepted this self-deviation, are staking the immortal in the name of the mortal.
The involvement of life is both in attraction and in repulsion. Attraction is attachment, repulsion is prejudice. Mind is, after all, filled-up, whether it is with attachment or prejudice. So long as there is water in a pot, it will not be called empty whether the water is clear or turbid. The clear liness of the pot necessitates its becoming completely devoid of water. A filled-up mind is the enemy of a person, while an empty mind is his enlivening friend. The 'Sadhaka' (seeker) who considers himself just an accessory of the nature, goes on gradually getting mind-free. He remains impartial and vigilant in all the situations conducive or adverse. The home of non-attachment is beyond the mind. Spirit is beyond every boundary-line of the mind.
It is necessary to get detached from the mind, but it is not necessary to state time and again : "I am not mind, I am not mind” for this also betrays a kind of attachment to the mind. This also is a kind of thought. 'Samadhi' (trance) implies a state of thoughtlessness. To state "I am not mind” is but an alternative of the mind itself. Everything of the mind, occurring during meditation, is an invitation to this alternative. Does one have to say/ chant : “I am a man ?” To state again and again, “I am not body" is not forgetting the body, but keeping the memory of body fresh.
The 'Sadhakas' (seekers) have adopted the statement : "I am not body” like a 'mantra' (formula or principle). I have come in contact with hundreds of seekers wbo bave entered the dusk of life while uttering : “I am not the body, I am not the body” and yet the temperature of their attachment to the body hasn't come down. The reality is that when meditation deepens, the practising of the body gets lessened automatically. The elephant, having compassion for a rabbit, remains standing for three days on just one leg. He
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