18/Meditation and Enlightenment : Chandr Prabh
He should rather get awakened by it. Supreme awakening is the foundation-stone of meditational attainment. The fickleness that takes place during the moments of meditation is not the state of meditation but the state of dream of a person. Fickleness whether be it in the meditation or in sleep in the form of dream, is a fantasy that is but the misconception of mind.
The tour that is undertaken by the mind is just the transformation of the state of dream. The only difference is that in the former both body and mind remain awakened, while in the latter the body remains asleep while the mind remains awakened. Loneliness is rather common to both. Even while in bed at night a man is entirely lonely in sleep, and in meditation too he is all alone. There may be ten persons sleeping in one bedroom or hundred persons sitting in the meditation hall, still his loneliness stays in solitude.
Meditation remains not in the fickleness of mind, but in its concentration or emptiness. Just as the wandering of thoughts in the dream is the stampede of mind, so also, the flight of mind while seated on 'padmasan' (a yogic posture), conducive especially to meditation, is a challenge to getting aloof from one's own sitting. Just as sleeping whole night with dreams is not sleeping in the real sense of the term, so also to go into meditation with the stampede of the mind is not meditation. In fact a man should not get attached to the mind in the moments of meditation, but he should examine the mind. In order to form a thoughtless/nonalternative state, it is unfailingly beneficial to view the thoughts/ imaginations with impartiality.
The basic principle to maintain the concentration of meditation intact is : ''let, what happens, happen.” You just go on watching as the viewer of what is happening. If the mind is not intent upon meditation, it should be noted for good that the mind, wherever it wanders to, away from meditation at the time of meditation, will not remain settled there either. Factually, that is not a durable commodity. In order to live in spiritualism, the detachment of . mind is cent-per-cent acceptable.
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