Question: Where can we go if disturbances have spread thoughout the country.
Answer: In case you do not find any other place which is free from disturbances, then you have to remain fearlessly where you are, seeking the refuge of the Paramatma and the Dharma. You should not run here and there in confusion. What happens to all will happen to you also. When in the past there were many Kings and Kingdoms, battles among them were common. Battles used to be taking place somewhere or the other in the country but, there used be the opportunity of going to other Kingdoms. At present, since we have a democratic government, no state is independent. The whole of India has a single sovereign government. If aggression takes place against one state, it is aggression against the whole country. But such aggressions take place only sometimes.
Yes. Riots and disturbances happen within the country. Disturbances occur frequently in large cities; don't they? In a democratic country people have some special rights. People are permitted to carry out some non-violent movements. They enjoy the freedom of speech. They can speak freely expressing their thoughts and reactions. They are free to make criticism and counter-criticism of policies and performance. These rights are given to people who are not educated and who are not devoted to the country. Such special rights and privileges should be given only to people who have attained mental development and enlightenment. They should be given to people who really love their country. In this country, a large number of people are not educated; and are not patriotic. The consequences of this condition are quite discernible. Almost every day, there are riots and disturbances. Hartals are observed. Incidents of stone-throwing are common. Shops are burnt. The government offices are burnt. Public property is damaged or destroyed. Fears and anxieties pervade and shake public life. Sometimes, some people also are killed in such
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