disturbances. Therefore, sensible people should reside in such a village, city or country where abnormal disturbances do not occur.
There are many kinds of disturbances. Riots and disturbances may arise in your own country or may be caused by another country. At present, we do not have small and large Kingdoms. India has a single sovereign government. In the past, battles took place among various Kings; and so one King would invade another King's territory. Such invasions took place frequently. At present, such invasions do not take place. There is a single government for the whole country and it is not a monarchy but a democratic government. The representatives of people carry on the government, and make legislation for the country. There is some understanding among the various nations of the world; so wars do not occur among them frequently. Sometimes, some nations transgress that understanding and begin wars; but people should behave sensibly at such times. Pakistan waged a war against India three times but those wars took place on the borders of the two countries; and so they did not endanger the people greatly. But if such a war or battle occurs within the country, people should leave that place and go to other places which are free from such riots and disturbances. In India, there are many states, you must go to such a place as is free from riots and disturbances. For instance, if there is some disturbance taking place in Madhya Pradesh and if Gujarat is free from disturbances, you must go away to Gujarat.
Sometimes, this kind of thing also happens. A state may not be invaded by any outsider; but there may be armed conflicts between two parties for power. If the army-commanders make a rebellion and cause violence; and if panic and terror spread in some place, noble householders should leave that area and should go away to other places which are free from disturbances. They should go away to the place where they can carry out their endeavours for Dharma (spiritual attainment) Artha (acquisition of viealth); and Kama (fulfilment of worldly desires).
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