Theism, Atheism and Jainism (7) Conclusion
Religion, from some of the prominent point of views, comes before us as a movement, a growth. It has sources of its strength and the springs of its vitality. All religions, if we adopt neutrality in our approach, come to us with varieties. But then the differenes are only outward. Behind them all we see a clear stream of units, and purpose. Behind religions there is Religion. This religion or that religion is not the point. What matters is, in words of Max Muller, ....... there is a divine element in every one of the greatest religions of the world. 396 It is religion by which we 'cleanse our thoughts, purify our emotions and let the seeds of spirit grow.' Of course, to have all about what religion is, would be more like an encyclopaedia than a few pages and strạy thoughts. “Religion has been defined in many and conflicting fashions, but one description of it embodies what is certainly a feature that is practically universal in all the various modes of its expression. It has been described as the highest forın of man's consciousness of himself in his relation to all other things and beings.' 1197 2.3.2 GOD
According to some philosophers of religions the concepts regarding God or Deity are considered to be the presiding ov
concepts and are therefore of great importance. Basically there are two questions : One, the term God, its definition or meaning its existence : and the second is the significance of the term God. However, to some the significance of the term God is the primary question. Let us discuss both to grasp the nature of God. (1) Conception
The meaning of the term God may very much differ from individual to individual, It even differs from religion to religion or from culture to culture or from time to time. To some God denotes a Supreme Being, to others Nature, Universal principle, Universal Self, Moral Law or Absolute. If people are asked to define God everybody's God would be the value, thought or object he considers to be the most precious one. God will be either a Father or Supreme Creator or Personal Deity in whom everyone responses his faith and confidence. But even then in philosophy of religion we come across certain concepts which
96. The Life and Letters of F. Max Muller, Vol.ii p. 464 97. N. Macnicol, Indian Theism, (1968) p. 8.
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