INTRODUCTION Being a Jain by birth, since the very early years of my descrition I was given to understand that Jain philosophy is Atheistic - a Nāstika-Darśana. The same continued, as a hammaring, even when I read books and articles on Jain philosophy. It was my day-to-day experience to observe the religious activities of Jains which included worship, prayers, vows restraints (Gupti), observances (Dharma), meditations (Anupreksa), right conduct (Caritra) and ethical practices all of which could consistantly go only with theism. On account of this direct experience of living Jainism, I could not reconcile with the idea of Jain philosophy being atheistic, Ultimately the widened religious horizons of my understanding, the deepened faith and a sound intuitive confirmity helped me to realise that Jainism is in tune with the fundamental unity of world-religions, The seeming contradiction between theory and practice of Jainism led me to undertake this research work. Thus, this small but important work is the outcome of a philosophical inquiry into Jainism : whether it is theistic or atheistic. General plan of work In order to be justified to the prime objective of inquiry, I have examined and explained the essentials of Jain philosophy and religion. Stating the general plan of this work, in the beginning with reference to the historical background and metaphysical position the roots of Jain atheism and Jainism as religion is discussed. Subsequently, Jain logic, Jain ethics and Jain philosophy of soul have been examined and explained. Recapitulating well with what is discussed in the proceeding chapters, finaliy an effort is made to show the nature and traits of Jain Theism. The work concludes with assertion that there should be no hesitation in considering Jain Darśana as anything but atheistic. Throughout; the inquiry has been conducted objectively, in the sense that. I have tried to keep prejudices of this way or that way, away from the work. It contains a thorough examination of concepts, comparisons and classifications as well as an analysis of certain basic theories - all in thier objective considerations lead to conclusion that Jainism has to be regarded as theism.
1. Encyclopaedia Britannica (IIth, ed.) Vol - XXII. pp. 744
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