Jain Theism
(3) Dr. H. S. Bhattāchārya
Dr. H.S. Bhattachārya of the university of Calcutta has substantially contributed to Jainism, His “Reals in the Jain metaphysics", “The Philosophy of the Jains," : "The Jain Prayer and “Jain Moral Doctrines” are some of the notable works. In “The Jain Prayer' he discusses the term God, God's attributes and then the problem of creator God. With reference to Jainism and Jain prayer he says, "Religion establishes a close connection between those revered object and a believer, To establish, effectuate or realize that connection, a religion prescribes various rites, formulas and practices. Accordingly, The goodness or soundness of any of these must ultimately be judged by its efficacy regarding that God-man connection, which is the supreme goal of a rational religion to bring about,"175 He finds in the NamaskāraMahā Mantra, an insight in the nature of Jain religion. According to him the conception of God as found in rational religion is the true and the purest conception." The Jain religion is certainly a rational religion of this type and its faith in such a God saves it from the charge of atheism; for the Jain religion is assuredly not atheistic, Its God or Gods are the five groups of high souled beings and in revering them, the Jain really reverses the divinities which are their essential attributes. The offering of the prayers to and the meditations of the God in the highest forin, of a rational religion, are perfectly disinterested. No favors are sought from the God or the Gods and the result of the divine worship is simply the development and perfecting of one's own self... This does not mean that faith in God is unnecessary.176 In the same book he says, “The Jain religion dispenses with the idea of a creator God on logical grounds but does not do away with the real God or perfect being to whom reverence can profitably be paid, although it does not seek any favors, whatsoever from them."177 Thus we find Dr. Bhattachārya also supporting the view that Jainism is not atheism. It has God, worship, and all the required characteristics to claim itself to be theistic. In his Jain Moral Doctrines' he says that "the conception of God in Jainism with infinite apprehension. infinite knowledge, infinite power and infinite joy are the features, attributed to God in every religion.” In the light of the fundamental basis of all religions and
176. Bhattacharya H.S., The Jain Prayer (1964), p. 116 177. Ibid., p. 117 178. Bhattacharya H.S., The Jain Moral Doctrine (1976), p. 2
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