Scriptural and other Arguments for Theism in Jainism 161 the following four things from the life and teachings of Srimad Rajacandra :
(i) Engrossed in the eternal (soul) substance (ii) Simplicity of life (iii) Dealing with every being of the world with the same feelings of love and compassion and (iv) Truth and Ahimsa in life." 120 Śrimad Rajacandra's writings (letters) is full of religiousness and theism, He either explains, or answers or tries to remove the faulty notions ab the real meaning that lies behind the fundamental doctrines and Jain Āgamas. His answers or explanations are not his opinions or views. He has a thorough study of the canonical and other scriptural literature, whose authorities, make his saying more authentic and logical. Let us examine Srimad Rajacandra on some of the issues which directly deal with the classical or tradtional concept of theism.
God : Srimad's Literature is very wide and he addresses the supreme or God in different contexts. He uses various words'121 to convey the idea of the absolute or God, most of which we find very commonly used in the other theistic schools of Indian philosophy. Moreover, he uses the phrases which convey the ultimate supremacy of the lord; e. g. he uses so many times : if God's wish be so 'or' if the grace from Jineśvara is there.' He very logically explains in one of his letters, that the substratum of the universe has been erased by the people who were mistaken by the traditional approach. He says that according to him the world can't be an existing reality without its substratum; and the substratum of the world is God, (Hari Bhagavāna). 122 Thus Srimad proves the conception of God, Even in one of the letters he talks about one absolute.123 He says that "the absolute, may you call the 'Omniscience', may you call the 'pure love' or may you call the 'existence' (Sat), the 'consciousness' (Cit) and the 'bliss' (Ananda); may you call 'soul' or 'all soul', may you call the 'one' or the 'many' but the absolute is absolute. Such Absolute has been addressed as God (Hari), the attained (Siddha), lord (Iswara), almighty (Parameśvara Paramātmā or Bhagvāna) and such infinite names."'! 24 120. Sri Punyavijayaji Muni Śrt, Jivan-Jyoti (St, 2018), p. 28 121. istant, $av, ft, para, TAIMI, , ea, da, st , sitara
951774, wg, fa, VOK, Fintaa, atauha, 7. 122. Srimad Rajcancha Ashram (pub. & ed.): 'Srimad Rajcandra' (1976) Vol.
I, p. 273 & 274 123. Ibid. Vol. I. p. 271 124. Govardhandasji Tr., 'Srimad Rajcandra Vachanamrta” (1952), p. 31
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