Jain Theism of the other systems of Indian Philosophy and the attitude of Jain monks towards the other systems. Sri Haribhadra Sūri describes Jain God as one who is free from all attachments, who has destroyed all th
ations, who has attained omniscience, who is worshipped by the gods, and one who has, after annihilating all the Karmas, attained liberation.o Sri Gunaratna Súri, in his commentary on Śadārašanasamaccaya, discusses even the issue of Avatāravāda. He also quotes Sri Siddhasena in this connection and at the end says that the Jain God in his state of liberation is going to be like that for an infinite period; Jinendra (The Jain God) is the real God and to him only one should treat as God.100 (9) Argument from Vişāpahāra Stotra
This stotra by Mahākavi Dhananjaya is more a literary work which describes God through different figures of speech e.g. it uses paradoxes (opposites) in saying "God (Lord Ķsabhadeva) to be nothing but a pure soul and yet it is omnipresent, known to all possessions and yet possesses nothing, living for an infinite time and yet never old."tol Again it says : “You (Lord Rşabhadeva) see all but is seen by none, know all but not known to all, you are how many and how is not predictable and so my prayer is the story of my inability to express. "102 It further says "O Lord ! you are omniscient and you are the Lord of all, the three worlds."?lu3 It also tells regarding the worship and devotion. It says, “Mere talking is not enough, in order to achieve the desired goal worship (Bhakti), memory (Smiti) and obeisance (Namaskrti) is required. So I devotedly, daily worship you (Bhajāmi, Smarāmi,
99.379 Sari FWUT916
जिनेन्द्रो देवता तत्र रागद्वेषविवर्जितः । हतपोहमहापल्लः केवलज्ञानदर्शनः ॥ ४५ ॥ सुरासुरेन्द्रसंपूज्य: सद्भूतार्थप्रकाशकः । कृत्स्नकर्मक्षयं कृत्या संप्राप्तः परमं पदम् ॥ ४६ ॥
-S. D. S. IV 45-56 100. Jain, Dr. Mahendrakumar, ed. SDS - (1970), p. 165 101. Farrafera: Herra: #fredet fattain: 1
uagantseerim atua: urugurareysu yout: Il - V. S. 1 102. Feat faugyar Frantiere fagragoi faftertida:
arforditeeri spugnant: Agfarten şiftirnar - V. S. 4 103. fragicard agafattarella Hen fornitura i
atacuri ufa reforma Asaisfuacamparty 1 - V. S. 16
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