Jain Theism
the commandment of the Jain God that one should give up the soul's outer activities of the mind, of the speech and of the body and should enter into the inner world of the soul and should thus concentrate on God." It also says, "One who knows the Jain God knows the soul." Here also, at the end, there is an eulogy for Lord Mahāvira. Its very first verse says that 'Just like the knowledge, the wisdom, the self restraint and penance Lord Mahāvir is also my protector, and shelter."" It further describes how Lord Mahavira was the greatest amongst the liberated, the best in the world and 'Almighty Father' of the whole universe. The Samana Suttam is not merely an essence of all the great scriptures but is also a noncontroversial text that has been agreed and accepted by all the sects of the Jains. The Samaņa Suttam also reflects the most deep rooted theistic approaches of the Jains and Jainism. (4) Argument from Syādavādamañjari
This scripture, in fact, is the commentary on Śri. Hemcandrasuri's 'Mahavira Stuti-dvātrimśikā, which was written by Śri Mallisenācārya in 1293 A.D. and reflects the author's deep study of the other systems of Indian philosophy. It mainly discusses the epistemological problems. But even then, while commenting upon the 17th verse, Śri Malliṣenācārya discusses the "omniscience" and logically proves that the Jain god (Vitaraga Bhagavāna) is Omniscient. At the end of the work, in the last five couplets, there is an culogy expressing God's capacity to know the reality in its pure form and he has thus saved the mankind from fallacies or false standpoint (durnaya).'84 This text, basically, is not metaphysical or pertaining to theology. Even then
80. आस्त्रहपि अंतरण्या, बहिरण्यो छंडिअण तिविहेण । झाइज्जइ परमप्या, उवइटुं जिणवरिदैर्हि 1
81. जो जाणादि अरहंतं, दव्वत्तगुणत्तपज्जयत्तेहिं ।
Samana Suttam
सो जाणादि अप्पाणं, मोहो खलु जादि तस्स लयं 11 11 16-17 S.
82. णाणं सरणं मे, दंसणं च सरणं च चरिय सरणं च ।
तव संजमं च सरणं, भगवं सरणो महावीरो ॥ ॥
ज्ञानं शरणं, मम, दर्शनं च शरणं च चारित्र शरणं च ।
तपः संयमश्य शरणं भगवान् शरणो महावीरः ॥ ॥
83. । टीका । अथ अनादित्वाद रागादीनां कर्म प्रक्षयः इति चेत् । न । उपायतस्तदावत् । अनादेरपि सुवर्ण - S. S. 44.1
मलस्य क्षारभूत्पुटपाकादिना विलयोपलम्भात् । तद्वदेवानादीनामपि रागादिदोषाणां प्रिपक्षभूमरत्नत्रयाभ्यासेन विलयोपपत्तेः । क्षीणदोषस्य च केवलज्ञानाव्यभिचारात् सर्वज्ञत्वम् ॥
S. M. 17
84. Syadvāda Manjari 28
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