Jain Theism
7.4 Arguments from Quasi-Canonical Literature
Let us also examine those works which are technically not belonging to the canonical group. But then they are considered highly important and significant and are included amongst the sacred texts of the Jains. Let us examine a few of them to show the theistic nature of Jainism. (1) Argument from. Yogasāra
This is an authentic text comprising of 206 verses into five sections. The central theme of this scripture is the soul that imerges out as absolute in its pure form and the way or path to attain such a state of soul. In its very first section the nature of Jain God is described; and in the very first line of its third verse it says : “This very soul in its pure form is God"69 It also says, “When the inner vices like attachment and aversion (Rāga Dvesa) are destroyed, when the equinonimousness is attained, then the soul realizes absolute.' it tells us that the plurality of souls is only till they are embodied, and are in the bondage of Karma. Unembodied and souls free from Karma are the Gods having no difference.''l Form Nyaya-Vaisesika point of view all liberated souls are one. Such Gods (liberated souls) thought numerically many are all having infinite power and infinite bliss and thus are qualitatively only one."?? It narrates the nature of God and says, “this God is worshipped, mentally through the fulfillment of vows and physically through 'Bhakti' and 'Pooja'.73 To such a pure
69. शुद्धस्फटिकसंकाशो, निष्कल्मषात्मनात्मनि । -Y. S. 3
परमात्मेति संज्ञातः प्रदत्ते परम पदम् ॥ ३ ॥ 70.. रागद्वेषमयेष्वेषु हतेष्वान्तस्वैरिषु ।
साम्ये सुनिश्चले यायादात्यैव परमात्मताम् ॥३॥ -Y. S. 13 ___ आत्मानो देहिनो मिन्नाः कर्मपंककलंकिताः अदेहः कर्मनिर्मुक्तः परमात्मा न भिंदते ॥६॥-Y. S. 72. संख्यया नेकरूपोऽपि गुणतस्त्वेक एब सः ।
अनन्तदर्शनज्ञानवीर्यांनन्दगुणात्मकः ॥१७॥ जातस्यं यथा जात्यं वहुरूपमपि स्थितम् । सर्वत्रापि तदेवैकं परमात्मा तथा
प्रभु : ॥१८॥ 73. आराधितो स्त्वसौ भावस्तेवेन ब्रह्मचर्यया ।
सत्य पूजादिना दव्यस्तवेन तु तरागता ॥२९॥
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