Jain Theism
(i) recitation of verses (Sūtrorkti) (ii) concentration of mind while worshipping (Upayoga) (iii) doubtlessness (Āśarkā Tyaga) (iv) equanimity (Samyak Drsti), and
(v) devotion (Bhakti)' Thus devotion or Bhakti is one of the five attributes required to attain right faith or Samyak Darśana. All these five attributes and activities to make the soul possess these attributes form Jain Sādhanā or Jain Ārādhanā.
Again according to Jain Scriptures the Jain conception of Bhakti or Ārādhanā consists in ten sections or parts. They are :
(i) faith (Sraddhā) (ii) holy communion (Satasanga) (iii) eulogy or religious song (Bhajan, Stavana) (iv) renunciation (Nivịti) (v)
sinceerity (Nisthā), (vi) special interest (Ruci Višesa) (vii) firmness (Drdha Anuraga), (viii) love (Premotpatti), (ix) emotional state (Bhāvānubhūti), and
(x) strong devotion (Parā Bhakti).”20 Thus we find devotion, in Jainism, has its own place in the wider structure of Arādhanā or Sadhanā.
According to Jainism, Sādhanā, Sevā or Upāsanā, all these three words convey almost the similar meaning. The three modes of Upāsanā are Mantras (hymns). Mūrti (image) and Pūjā (rituals and worship)."?! Here also with Mantra, Mūrti and Pūjā, worship and rituals becorne possible, through an extraordinary followup (Anupama Arādhanā). An extraordinary worship is possible in three ways : (1) soul (2) teacher, and (3) scripture."?? These are the means through which the worship could be realized, and the actual worship could also 19. "तथाहि प्रायोऽधिकृतसूत्रोक्ते नैव विधिनोपयुक्त स्याशंसादोषरहितस्य
सम्यग्दृष्टेभक्तिमत एव सम्यक्करणं, नान्यस्य, अनधिकारित्वात् अनधिकारिणः
Hoa in FREUTATAIT, I Lalita Vistara Vol. I Page 30-36 20. Bhaktirasāmstabindu 1 & 2 21. Sr. Bhadrankara Vijayaji : Tattvadohana (1980), p. 155.
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