Jain Philosophy of Soul
111 The word 'bondage' presupposes duality or plurality. There cannot be bondage if the object is one and only one. Here the bondage is bondage of Karma. The soul in state of bondage is in opposition to soul in state of release or libration. Thus the soul in state of bondage is the soul not in state of liberation. Soul in its pure form is immortal, eternal, indestructible and even indivisible. It is potentially all powerful and all knowledgeable. Soul in its pure form is free. The soul in state of bondage is not free and therefore is not in its pure form. The soul in state of bondage is a soul that is polluted, that has become impure and so ineffective too.
The 'bondage' of the soul is a state of soul. It is due to its union with Karma. The Karma has polluted the soul and made it ineffective to its original essential qualities. The question that arises is whether by developing a state of bondage through the union with Karma the essential qualities of the soul destroyed or lost for ever or weakened or diffused due to the outer interference viz. The veil of Karma ? In other words, what is the nature of the bondage ? I think the word “polluted' proves to be significant in the sense that it hints at the purification. Bondage and release are interdependent terms. There cannot be a release without bondage and bondage without release Both the bondage and release are relative terms. But they are also symbolic. Afterall what do we mean by 'bondage' and 'release' ? Let us understand these symbols also. Bondage means Jivātmā, means the soul with a veil of Karma. The veil of Karma, as per the doctrine of Karma, is the cause of births and rebirths. Thus bondage means Samsāra. Release means the Jiva is released from its union with Karma. The Jiva in state of release is pure soul, is devoid of any Karma and so there is no cycle of births and rebirths. The soul in state of release thus means Mokşa. Bondage is the Samsāra and release is the Mokşa. 5.2.2 Nature of Bondage
Jain metaphysics recognizes both soul and Karma as matter. Soul is a subtle matter and so is Karma. Unlike the Karma, soul is potentially pure, perfect and powerful. Karma, on the other hand is an outside material interference to soul. Moreover, consciousness is the essence of the soul while Karma is just 'Karmic particles' polluting and hindering the soul in its progress. One of the important characteristics of soul is its responsibility for the Karma, as the soul is the doer of the Karina and soul is the enjoyer of Karma. Sri
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