Jain Philosophy of Soul
105 fundamental plank in the spiritual science or for the concept of liberation. But then with regards to the nature of soul Jainism is quite distinct. The nature of Jiva or soul, its characteristics, qualities, classifications, status etc. all these will give an accurate picture of the Jain conception of soul. It is not possible to know thoroughly what does Jainism mean by Jiva without knowing all these aspects. We therefore try to see some of the main features related to the nature of Jiva or soul according to Jainism. 5.1.4 Nature of Soul (Jiva) in Jainism
Vādi Devasūri in his Pramāņa-nay-tattvā-lokālankāra describes the soul as, “That (i.e. the soul) is essentially consciousness; undergoes modifications; is a doer (of acts); is the direct enjoyer (of the fruits of its acts); is of the same extent as its body; is different in each individual and being attached to material elements has births and rebirths.”20 Through this verse, Vadi Devasûri has mentioned some of the very important characteristics of the soul which enable us to understand its nature. The most important characteristic of soul is its consciousness. In fact, consciousness is the essence of soul. The same consciousness in our daily affair we call 'life' and "the sacred scriptures have declared, soul is characterized by life.”21 Thus the soul consists in consciousness and conscionsness is congnition of all things having forms or no forms. Without consciousness the soul cannot know, cannot discriminate, and cannot will. Knowledge or Jñāna, though a very important characteristic of the soul."22 depends upon the particular state (of consciousness) in which the soul appears. "23 Thus consciousness (Chaitanya) is the natural and essential characteristic of the Jiva. This is the reason for the variability and relativity of the knowledge possessed by the Jiva or the soul. Such a variable quality cannot be called the permanent or essential quality of soul. In fact the soul is neither entirely identical nor entirely different from knowledge."24 Therefore, according to Jainism the Jiva or soul is said to be “Bhinnābhinnaḥ."25 Its relation with knowledge "is
20. GTART4: ufunfa af FTATCHAT FacEYFUTUT: 1
ufaretai fwa: tanfctanggalin II P.N.T.VII.56 21. Shrimed Vijaya Laxmansari, Philosophy of Soul, (1963). p. 4 22. "117STAT" 23. Dr. G.N. Joshi, Atmā and Mokşa (1965) p. 231 24. STET ET 7 Et fa c eret #1 -Sarvadarśanasamgrah p. 69 25. Ibid., p. 69
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