Jain Ethics
only the concept of 'life' that makes the concept of 'value' possible."100
But then what is religion? A distinguished Danish philosopher, Harold Hoffding defines religion as "the belief in the conservation of values "This we find any moral code is bound to be concerned with values, religion and life." It is mainly such belief that raises Jainism to the status of religion in spite of the absence of a belief in God"01 Jainism proves to be quite justified in its stress on moral values, Its doctrine of Karma aims at total annihilation of Karma to attain perfect freedom. It is based on immortality of soul and freedom of will. The entire doctrine proves to be more ethical than metaphysical only because it is centered round the soul. Alongwith the justifiability of the doctrine of Karma and freedom of will, the soul and spirituality is aso there and this gives the theistic color to the theory. Dr. Ramji Singh rightly observes, "But unless, the Karma is associated with the soul it cannot produce any effect because it is only the instrumental cause and it is the soul which is the efficient cause of all experiences. Hence the Jains regard the soul as the possessor of material Karma."102
This very stress in regaining the original, the pure and perfect form of the soul and its spirituality is nothing but a theistic attitude towards higher moral purpose. It is already a known fact it is the acceptance of God or supreme being that makes a system theistic. But then the concept of God or supreme being needs a little broader or wider interpretation. It will be in all the way mire in fitness to say truth is God, love is God, perfection is God or righteousness is God rather than to say God is love God is truth etc. If we try to understand, we will find God, being formless, an idea it is more appropriate to call any perfection God, any Righteousness or truth God. From this point of view, Jainism has accepted every soul to be potentially pure and perfect. Every Soul thus is potentially God, The doctrine of Karma becomes meaningful only till the lost Godhood is not attained, Since the attainment of this Godhood or liberation or salvation is not possible in one life, it makes the reincarnation or transmigration of soul possible. The doctrine that aims at spiritual development and ultimately the attainment of Godhood cannot be anything but theistic.
In all the traditional theism there is devotion. The expression of devotion is through prayers, rites and rituals, as well as deeds as commanded by the scriptures. If we go little deep into the Jain doctrine
100. Vide Ayn Rand's The Virtue of Selfishness (1970) p. 15-16 101. Prof. S.C. Chatterjee & D.M. Datta, An Intro. to Indian Philosophy (1968), p.17 102. Dr. Ramji Singh, : The Jain Concept of Omniscience, (1974), p. 122
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