Jain Theism
In Buddhism there is no soul. But then Buddhism believes in rebirth. Here what "transmigrates is not a person but Karma."'66 4.2.3 The Theory of Karma: Its Genesis
Quite a good number of scholars and authorities have tried to find out when and where the Karma doctrine has had its origin in India. It is difficult to say when and where the concept of Karma originated in India."67 Some traced back the origin of Karma in the principle of Rta as described in Rg-Veda. Rta pervades the whole world, and gods and men must obey it. It is the cosmic principle in anticipation of law of Karma. After a long discussion Prin. T.G.Kalghatgi says, "it is difficult to say that Karma must have originated from Rta. The doctrine of Karma does not appear in the old hymns of RgVeda."'68 Karma doctrine has been widely accepted in the ancient Indian thought.' ." It is probable that karma and rebirth must have been preAryan doctrines which were important in the Śramana culture and later assimilated in the Aryan thought by the time Upanisads were clearly formulated."'69 The Indian view of Karma was doubtless of non Aryan provinance and it was a kind of natural law."70 Dr. Glassenapp. in his famous book "The doctrine of Karma in Jain philosophy', quotes number of authorities that tell "when and were the doctrine has had its origin in India we do not know." But then he says.... "only is it sure that it existed at least a thousand year before the beginning of the Christian Era, and has since become the basis and centre of religious thought.""The conception first mentioned, the most realistic of all that have had the origin in India, is that of the Jains, of that Indian religious community which has existed from pre-Buddhistic times down to the present day.'
The doctrine of Karma can not be proved. In fact it does not require any proof. It is a self-evident theory established as an important postulate to almost all the religions of the world. Even no philosopher, thinker a moral teacher or a revolutionist has found it necessary to prove. However "the real proof of the truth of Karma theory is to be
66. Abhidhama Kosa Bhasya-III 24.
67. Dr. Glasenapp. The Doctrine of Karma in Jain Philosophy (1942) p. xi-xii 68. Prin. T.G. Kalghatgi, Karma and Rebirth (1972) p. 8
69. Ibid p. 8
70. Ninian Smart, Doctrines and Arguments in Ind, Philosophy (1964) p. 163 71. Dr. Glasenapp, The Doctrine of Karma in Jain Philosophy (1942) xi-xii 72. Ibid., xii
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