Jain Ethics
In the words of Lord Mahavira. "Man, thou art thine own friend, why wishest thou for a friend beyond thyself ?"35
There is also a place and importence for meditation and Yoga in Jainism. In fact, terms Yoga and Dhyana are synonymous in Jainism. It talks about four kinds of Dhyana. (Arta Dhyana, Raudra-Dhyana, Dharma-Dhyana, Shukla-Dhyāna) two bad Dhyānas and two good ones. According to Jainism one is never in a state of noDhyāna.
The Dharma Dhyana and Śukla Dhyana are the higher ones. The Sukla Dhyana is the sublimest and the subtlest. "Dhyana, or meditation is to be enjoyed, since it enables us to acquire strength for fulfilling the vows."36
What is worth noting is that Jainism accepts possibiltiy of "non-Jains attain salvation if only they follw the ethical rules laid down. "37
Thus, in our final conclusion over the structural part of the Jain ethics, we observe that it uplifts an individual in his spirituality as well as moulds him into a worthy moral and social being.
Again the conception of morality in Jain ethics is to be interpreted with reference to law of Karma. "Emancipation from mundane existence, which is the ultimate aim of life, can not be attained by mere observance of virtue."3 Perfection, according to Jainism, is possible with the total annihilation of Karmas, "It is a state beyond vice and virtue. One may become worse or better by vicious or virtuous activities, but not perfect. :39 "What is necessary is a considered balance between the two, the supramoral plane of life and the practical code of morality." Practical code of morality is meaningless if it does not lead to the higher supra- moral plane of life.
35. Sacred Book of East xxii p. 33
36. हिंसा द्दिष्विहामुत्र यापायावद्यदर्शनम् ॥४॥
दुःखमेव वा ॥५॥ मैत्री प्रभायकारणमाध्यत्यानि सत्त्वगुणाधिकक्लिश्यमाना विनेवेषु ॥६॥ जगत्कायस्वभावौ च सवैगवैराग्यार्थम् ॥७॥ T.S.VII. 4.7
37. Dr. Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy Vol. I (1977) p. 328
Pravachansara- 3-56
Prof. Dayanand Bhargava, Jain Ethics, (1968) p. 74 Sāmānyasarakalaśa. (1959) p. 267
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