N. M. Kansara
Naiva khyāpayituí vyadhāyi caritam rītim vidarbhodbhavām bhaktim kintu punah punar na gaditam sri-padma-laksma
prabhoh // 4.1399, p. 498. This verse is meant to express the author's intention behind undertaking the composition of this Carita-mahākävya, and is a part of the Prasasti composed in Prakrit Gāthās.
34. Tarkān adhitya devendra-guroh siddhāntam-āditah /
Śri-Haribhadrasūribhyas-caritaṁ nirmame mayā // 4.1401.
This verse is also a sort of acknowledgement about his teachers by the author, and forms a part of the Prakrit Prasasti, which is not composed separately, but rather as a part of the Fourth Prastāva, from Gāthās 1378 to the last one, i.e. 1403. It is noteworthy that this fashion of incorporating Sanskrit Subhasitas was popular with our author's predecessors like Vardhamānasūri and Candrasūri alsolo. And, further, it is noteworthy that the poet seems to have given the colophones, marking the intervening substories, in Sanskrit, as for instance 'Iti dāna-dharme Haṁsapāla-kathānakam' (p. 35), 'Iti tapasi Rohinīkathā samāptā' (p. 99), 'Ity-antaranga-kathā samāptā’ (p. 162), 'Iti śrī-Padmaprabha-caritam samāptam' (p. 499), etc. At the end of the work, the final Prasasti by the Samgha and the scribe is also in Sanskrit.
Annotations : 1. Siri Devasūri's Paumappahasāmi Cariyam (PPC), L.D. Institute of Indology,
Ahmedabad 1995 (L.D. Series 116), Ed. Rupendrakumar-Pagariya, Prastāvanā (Hindi), p. 25. Śri-Haribhadrasūribhyas-caritam nirmame mayā // Balacando ... (4.1385) ... Gunabhaddasūri guruno ... (4.1386) ... Savānaṁdaguru ... (4.1387) cariyam siri-Pāsāsāmissa ... (4.1388)..siri-Dhammaghosapahune .. (4.1389) ... Tappayapayatthiehiṁ kaihim siri-Devasūri-nāmehim / Paumappahassa pahuno cariyam raiyam kayacchariyaṁ // 4.1391; 4.1401 : Tarkan adhitya Devendraguroh
siddhāntam aditah/ 2. Ibid., 4.1393 : ...veri-Bhima-bhīmassa / Calukka-vamsa-munino niravajje rajja
samayammi // 3. Ibid., 4.1392 : Veya-sara-sūra-paramiya (1254) varise niva-Vikkamassa varisão/
4.1394 : Siri-Vaddhamāna-nayare thiena Pajjunna-setthi-vasahihë/ Siri
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