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Pane a
/ T 4/ HUG
14. Classical Indian Vatsyayan Kapila Delhi
Dance in Literature
and Arts 15. Iconography of Nalini Kanta Aryan Book Buddhist Bhattasali
International, New and Brahmanical
Delhi Sculptures 16. Iconography of the R.B. Gupta D.B.Taraporevala Sons 1980 Hindus Buddhists
Private Ltd. Bombay and Jains 17. The Mirror of Ananda Munshiram Manoharlal|2003
Being the Abhinaya Coomaraswamy Publishers, New Delhi Darpana of
Nandikesvara 18. Hindu Iconography T.A. Gopinatha Rao Indological Book 1971
house, Varanasi 19. Mudravicarapraka- Dr. Priyabala Shah Oriental Institute, 1956 karanam and Mudra
Baroda Vidhih 20. Esoteric Mudras of Devi, Gauri Delhi
1999 Japan : Mudras of the Garbhadhatu & Vajradhatu Mandalas of Homa and Eighteen step Tites and of main Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Gods and Goddesses of Various Sutras and Tantras.