spring 1951, in Indian Bhandārs, there might be found such as would bring clearness into obscure passages. This hope was not fulfiled. The Pāțan MSS', '30' (=I). 'dā(bļo) 28'(?) (=II), dā 9', (=III), and 'dā 41 nam(bar) 752' (=IV; here further 'grantha 815'), all on paper, are very similar to one another in manner of writing, and I-III are probably of about the same age as IV, which is dated samvat 1495 māghe vadi 12 bhūma?. They closely agree with our H and D (like the latter, III likewise has the Samgahaṇī). As one example for numberous ones, the first chapter right away will serve. There I, II and III read, in line 2, padavati, III and Pedavati, which comes to the same (and has therefore already been corrected on p, 501), H padavati, while vadati în D is apparently a correction of the editor. In line 10. I, III, and IV have tati, II tatiya with deleted ya, in line 12, I and III ca/tattha, IV and H tattha instead of cauttham. In the colophon stands everywhere, also in P, a wrong 12 instead of the correct 1 (which is missing in H); before Nārada (to be written this way); our padhamam is thus, so far, based on the print alone?. The Rși of 8 is in I-IV (and also of course in D) Tetaliputta, as in 10. Ketali, it is true, stands in H only, but, on the other hand, in the Samgahaņī (which D and III have), and may be correct merely on account of the differentiation.
II here and there goes its own way, in spite of regular agreement with H and D, I, III, and IV :
(1) In 3,1 is mentioned the guilt effected by Prāņâtipāta in 2 that effected by parigraha, i.e. violations of the 1st and 5th vows, The intervening 2nd till 4th vows are treated as follows in II :
jo musam bhāsae kimci appam vā jai vā bahum appan'atthā parassa vā lippae pāva-kammaņā (2) adinnam genhai jo u..... ( ... (3) mehuņam sevai jo u tericcham divvam māņusam rāga-dos’abhibhūy 'appā lippae pāva-kammaņā (4)
It the course of the text, no more numbers of stanzas. These stanzas are wrongly inserted between 3.2a and b. Though they . are in themselves logical, it is nevertheless doubtful whether the