all Yogic practices and accomplishments. Hence an aspirant ought to tread cautiously like one carrying a bowl full of oil and vigilantly shun all pleasures as we do a poisonous fruit. What an axle is to a chariot without which the charioteer can no more be carried, a prescribed diet is to an ascetic. Ascetics commit no transgression if they accept meals merely for avoiding pangs of starvation, for practising austerity, survival and contemplation. As a lacquer processor burns charcoals just enough to melt his ware, so an ascetic takes food just enough for survival and thereby no transgression is committed. As a sugarcane-juice-maker burns just enough chaff to heat the juice, so does an ascetic accept meals for six reasons mentioned above. It entails no violation of his ethics.
एवं से सिद्धे बुद्धे विरते विपावे दन्ते दविए अलं ताई णो पुणरवि इच्चत्थं हव्वमागच्छति त्ति बेमि ।
अंबडज्झयणं ।
इस प्रकार वह सिद्ध, बुद्ध, विरत, निष्पाप, जितेन्द्रिय, वीतराग एवं पूर्ण त्यागी बनता है और भविष्य में पुनः इस संसार में नहीं आता है।
ऐसा मैं (अम्बड परिव्राजक ) कहता हूँ ।
This is the means, then, for an aspirant to attain purity, enlightenment, emancipation, piety, abstinence and nonattachment. Such a being is freed of the chain of reincarnations. Thus I, Ambad the nomad, pronounce.
अम्बड नामक पचीसवाँ अध्ययन पूर्ण हुआ । 251
25. अम्बड अध्ययन 345