this malaise. I will immunise myself from an unhappy doom. To shield myself from misery, I will practise righteous knowledge, vision and conduct.
I will cultivate righteous knowledge, witness truth, restrain myself with austerity, practise penances to chasten my soul from all Karmic smear, divert myself from the timeless mundane course and attain the highest pinnacle of birth-free, blissful, perennial existence, not to revert therefrom even once.
एवं से सिद्धे बुद्धे विरते विपावे दन्ते दविए अलं ताई णो पुणरवि इच्चत्थं हव्वमागच्छति त्ति बेमि।
इस प्रकार वह सिद्ध, बुद्ध, विरत, निष्पाप, जितेन्द्रिय, वीतराग एवं पूर्ण त्यागी बनता है और भविष्य में पुनः इस संसार में नहीं आता है।
ऐसा मैं (अर्हत् रामपुत्र ऋषि) कहता हूँ।
This is the means, then, for an aspirant to attain purity, enlightenment, piety, abstinence and non-attachment. Such a being is freed of the chain of reincarnations.
Thus I, Ramputra, the seer, do pronounce. रामपुत्र नामक तेईसवाँ अध्ययन पूर्ण हुआ।23।
23. रामपुत्र अध्ययन 327