by him does not contain procedure about animal sacrifice. He says, 'At dawn and at dusk; collecting milk, butter, honey, salts, conchshell and wood; I shall live, keeping the Yajna-fire alive offering all these. That is why I say this; hearing this, the mendicant should move with the sun; stop where night falls; when the sun rises, start moving again, properly and looking up to four yards in all directions, East and West and South and North.' This information about movement with sun is also available in varied forms in Kappa (Dashashrut Skandha 5/6-8), Nisiha (Nisheeth-10/31/34) and Dasa-veyaliya (Dashvaikalika-8/28)277 of Jain tradition. Generally, this concept was popular with all the Shraman Brahman Parivrajaks. As such inspite of comparative study, we only get authentic information about Srigiri's ideas, but nothing about his personality.
38. SARIPUTRA (Satiputta)
The thirty eighth chapter of Rishibhashit is about the preachings of Sariputra (Satiputta) Arhat Buddha. This Satiputta is certainly the Sariputra of Buddhist tradition. Mention of the word 'Buddha' with his name and similarity of his ideas with Buddhist tradition are important evidences of this. Besides Rishibhashit Sariputra has been mentioned in Avashyak-Churni278. There, he has been shown as a follower of Buddha. Similarly, Sheelankcommentary of Acharanga279 also mentions him. Besides, there is also a mention of Saidatta (Swatidatta) Brahman who was a citizen of Champa. Mahavir had spent four months of a monsoon in his yard280. But it is difficult to establish his connection with Satiputta or Sariputra.
Detailed information about Sariputra is available in Buddhist tradition. Dictionary of Pali Proper Names has devoted ten pages to his details compiled from Pali literature281. Due to lack of space so much details cannot be included here; I will only deal with some important facts. Buddhist tradition has expressed its reverence toward him by accepting him to be one of the two front-line disciple of Buddha.
He is said to be the son of Brahman Vanganta, his mother's name was Roopsari. He got his name Sariputra from his
Rishibhashit: A Study 209