The tenth section of Taittiriya Aranyak is popularly known as Narayanopnishad 274
There is no information about Narayan Rishi in Buddhist tradition. Details available from other sources help coming to the conclusion that Narayan (Tarayan) mentioned in Sutrakritang and Rishibhashit is the Narayan Rishi of Hindu tradition.
37. SRIGIRI The thirty seventh chapter of Rishibhashit is about the Brahman Parivrajak named Srigiri. Like Tetaliputra (10), Bahuk (14), Utkatvadi (20), Parshwa (31), chapters this is also fully in prose. Besides Rishibhashit, mention of Srigiri is not available anywhere in Vedic, Buddhist, or Jain literature. As such no information about the personality of Srigiri is available from any source.
In the first part of this chapter275, three principles about creation have been stated. It says: (1) First of all there only was water, an egg appeared in it, then the universe was born and it became full of life. This universe was not created by Varun (god of water); thus Srigiri negates the concept of the universe being created out of an egg. This is well known that this concept about creation was present in the Upanishadic thoughts. In Sutrakritang276 also this concept has been mentioned and negated. (2) The second concept about creation is of Maya (illusion); the universe is said to be born out of illusion. But Srigiri opposes this hypothesis and says that this world is not an illusion. Thus negating both these theories he presents his third theory of eternalism as : (3) It is not that this world did not exist some time in the past, does not exist at the present moment, and will not exist some time in the future. Thus the universe has been accepted as eternal here. The same concept was given by Parshwa also and confirmed by Mahavir in Bhagwuti-sutra. In Vedic tradition the Mimansa philosophy is similar to this concept. Upanishads also mention this.
The preachings of Srigiri regarding conduct indicate that he supported the Vedic rituals; still the Agnihotra (Yajna) presented 208 #FAPTE YHT