मूकमाटी-मीमांसा :: 473
"निर्ग्रन्थ दशा में ही/अहिंसा पलती है
...हम निर्ग्रन्थ-पन्थ के पथिक हैं।" (पृ. ६४) Moreover, an aspirant should have no prejudices and inhibitions. How effectively the poet has philosophised the simple activities of day to day life, e.g. taking out water from a well with a rope and a bucket. The whole book is replete with aphorisms for instance :
D "सार-हीन विकल्पों से/जीने की आशा को
विष ही मिल जाता है/खाने के लिए।" (पृ. ६८)
___ “सहधर्मी सजाति में ही/वैर वैमनस्क भाव/परस्पर देखे जाते हैं !" (पृ.७१) It is a universal truth that people of the similar class or calibre are jealous of each other. One dog resents the presence of another immediately.
The poet exposes the present so called pious persons and says that it is the irony of time that now-a-days the flag of piety becomes the cause of violence, the teachings of the scriptures are the means of destruction hence all the prayers sound empty and meaningless, at a particular moment.
“कहाँ तक कहें अब !/धर्म का झण्डा भी
डण्डा बन जाता है/शास्त्र, शस्त्र बन जाता है।" (पृ. ७३) The poet therefore exhorts the wise to avoid vices and adopt Virtue. The Homeric simile of fish is illustrative of the poet's superb talent of invention. The fish that pursues the path of salvation is hailed by the other fish in the words.
"मोक्ष की यात्रा/"सफल हो/मोह की मात्रा/"विफल हो।" (पृ. ७६-७७) It is a fact that without detachment man carinot attain salvation. The saint-poet's sense of amity and goodwill finds expression in the words of the fish:
“यही मेरी कामना है/कि/आगामी छोरहीन काल में
बस इस घट में/काम ना रहे !" (पृ. ७७) ० "...साम्य-समता ही/मेरा भोजन हो/सदोदिता सदोल्लसा/मेरी भावना हो,
दानव-तन धर/मानव-मन पर/हिंसा का प्रभाव ना हो,/दिवि में, भू में
भूगर्भो में/जिया-धर्म की/दया-धर्म की/प्रभावना हो!" (पृ. ७७-७८) Thus the poet wishes that in the entrie Universe love, compassion, nonviolence, quality, harmony, amity and goodwill should prevail. The visionary poet has perceived that when man's mind grows waveless and body inert, he can perceive the supreme truth.
"स्पन्दन-हीन मतिवाली हुई है/स्वभाव का दर्शन हुआ, कि क्रिया का अभाव हुआ-सा/लगता है अब..!" (पृ.७८)