मूकमाटी-मीमांसा :: 471
the poet puts:
"पीड़ा की अति ही/पीड़ा की इति है।" (पृ. ३३)
Then the poet remarks that the person who is taken to sensual pleasures, is engaged in them, e.g.
"विषयी सदा/विषय-कषायों को ही बनाता/अपना विषय ।" (पृ. ३७) But only true knowledge of the science of existence can emancipate man from the mesh of illusion (Maya). The quality of mercy is the gist of this knowledge as the poet says:
__ "दया का होना ही/जीव-विज्ञान का/सम्यक् परिचय है।" (पृ. ३७) Moreover, mercy is a quality that beautifies the giver as well as the receiver of mercy.
The Saint poet adds that involvement in passions ends in blind attachment while the expansion of the quality of mercy leads one to salvation. The former is horrible as it nips and ruins mans life while the latter revives and glorifies life. Passions make man blind to morality, on the contrary, mercy enlightens man's heart and elevates man above caste, colour and creed :
. “वासना का विलास/मोह है,/दया का विकास/मोक्ष है।" (पृ. ३८) ० “वासना की जीवन-परिधि/अचेतन है"तन है
दया-करुणा निरवधि है/करुणा का केन्द्र वह
संवेदन-धर्मा'"चेतन है/पीयूष का केतन है।” (पृ. ३९) Then the poet dwells upon the glories of life in an Ashrama. At an Ashrama man's life is not only maintained but created and sublimated. Here disciples rise above the common plane of life. Here dejected persons receive inspiration, strength and rejuvenation. An Ashrama (the abode of saints and sages) is a source of the gems of wisdom for all whether he is a warrior or a farmer, a scholar or an aspirant, e.g.
"संस्कारार्थी वे/परामर्श पा जाते हैं, यहाँ पर ।/असि और मषि को भी
कृषि और ऋषि को भी/कुछ ऐसे सूत्र मिलते हैं।” (पृ. ४३) The dialogue of the pebbles (206) and the Potter are very inspiring. The poet has keen insight into the realities of life and the nature of things. He points out that adjustment is the law of a harmonious life. It is the key to co-existence. The saint says:
_ "जिसे अपनाया है/उसे/जिसने अपनाया है/उसके अनुरूप
अपने गुण-धर्म-/"रूप-स्वरूप को/परिवर्तित करना होगा।" (पृ.४७) Only similarity in appearance is not the criteria of similarity in qualities. For example the milkof the cow and that of 'Aak'-Calotropis Gigantea/calotropis procera (Swallow-Wort) plant are similar in colour but totally different in qualities, hence man should not go by appearances