A Critique on MOOKMATI
Prof. Uttam Chand Jain 'Premi'
Rev. Jain Saint Vidyasagar's epic 'MOOKMATI' is a unique contribution to occultism and metaphysical poetry. He falls in line with Mahatma Valmiki, Saint Kabir, Jinsen, Mahatma Tulsidas. This poetic epic reveals the spiritual glory of life. It dwells upon the path that can lead a human being to the acme of perfection. This book enshrines the truth of life and the universe. It can lead the inspired readers from the darkness of ignorance to the eternal light of supreme truth. The whole epic is interspired with aphorisms which stick to the readers.
The talented poet has made soil (Mati) a simple, downtrodden tormented and insignificant material, the subject matter of his epic. He has given vent to its silent agony and its ardent desire for emancipation in a dramatic way. In the first chapter the saint hints at the truth of life and points out that the essence of life is progress:
बहना ही जीवन है।" (पृ. २)
A true aspirant does not look behind. He always looks ahead:
पथ पर चलता है/ सत्पथ - पथिक वह
मुड़कर नहीं देखता / तन से भी, मन से भी । " (पृ.३)
In the dialogues between the Earth and the Soil it is revealed that the potentialities of life are infinite but suitable environment and constant endeavours are required to attain the heights of development, The Earth Says to the Soil:
"सत्ता शाश्वत होती है, बेटा !/ प्रति- सत्ता में होती हैं अनगिन सम्भावनायें / उत्थान - पतन की ।" (पृ. ७)
The influence of association plays an important role in moulding the shape and quality of a thing. He says:
“जैसी संगति मिलती है/ वैसी मति होती है
मति जैसी, अग्रिम गति / मिलती जाती मिलती जाती।” (पृ. ८)
Moreover, sterling faith in oneself is the bedrock of devotion (Sadhana) as the poet
'आस्था के तारों पर ही / साधना की अँगुलियाँ / चलती हैं साधक की ।" (पृ. ९ )
At the same time one should never suffer from inferiority complex. Selfconfidence is the aerodrome where the upward flight of the soul commences. The poet is aware of the realities of life, the journey of which is beset with many hindrances and pitfalls. He inspires the aspirant with the remark: