(18) HTTP
1. A For O my Adinath !
Be with me in every path, Never forget naughty son, You are father Super one.
2. Sri Ajitnath is your name,
What to say for your fame? You are winner best of all, I am missing every ball.
3. Save me Sambhavnath dada!
Show me true way O dada ! How to walk on blakish night? Give me your super light. 4. That one is my Golden day,
Abhinandan Swamy I pray, Tell me O God where you stay,
How to come you show me way. 5. You are in my every thought,
Let me lead life as you taught, Sumatinath give wisdom nice,
So that I fall never twice. 6. I like you most supreme dad,
Your face is rosy red, Padmaprabha swami, so high. you can forget how can I ?