(32) The North polestar being (32) They have concluded millions of
very near, is observed at the miles distance. same degree if our city is situated on the Northern
Hemisphere. (33) The New Research Maker has (33) They have concluded constell
detected that “The Constellat- -ations as stationary. ions are slowest in mileage but
fastest in degrees.” (34 Years of all planets except the (34) Some almanac publishers too
Moon are being completed on have been confused on the their again being contravellor point. with the first part of the
constellations. (35) Human eye-sight is capable to (35) As if Divine eye-sight be
observe stars distant about possessed by humanity: they 75000 miles.
have concluded millions of
miles. (36) The Seven Stars have been (36) These stars too have been
rotating round the North pole concluded by them as stable,
Star, (37) The sun has diameter of 1000 (37) They have concluded the sun's miles only.
diameter 8,50,000 miles. (38) The sun is 42000 miles distant (38) They have concluded the sun
from the centre of the Earth. distant about 93000000 miles. (39) The above distance is corro- (39) Their distance figure accrues to
borated by Morvi Rajkot about. 003° only on verification, temperature difference 8' while
noon. (40) The sun's velocity from the (40) They have concluded the sun
East to the west is 15o of as stable, but little moviag.
11000 miles per hour. (41) The sun possesses annual (41) They have concluded the sun velocity one mile per hour. possessing annual velocity 1"
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