1.32" or 3.68 cms. The UA of Jainas and 1 UA-0.5 AA. Hence 7 UAx has half this value, i.e. it is equal 24/2=84 AA, If one assumes the UA to 1.68 cms. It is on this basis that as 1.70-1.90 cms. the Lord's height 1 UY has been calculated to becomes to be a minimum of 7x24x equal to 8 miles or 13.28 kms. Thus 1.70-285.6 cms. or 9.25 feet. This by interpolation of yojana or extra value seems to be inconsistent on polation of angula, the UA has a all accounts for a man born in trovalue of 1.68-1.73 or 1.70 cms on pical Bihar area. Thus, he has que. the average.
stioned both the above UA values. 19
He does not also agree with the In contrast, G.R. Jain has as
paramanu or atom as the basic unite sumed a Hasta, H, 24=UA-45.90
of length due to the difficulties in cms and hence 1 UA-0.75''=1,90 cms.
its standardisation. Instead, he has This means a UY-15.09 kms, or
supported the Jaina concept of an100/11 miles instead of 13.28 kms.
gula standard on the basis of being as above. He has used this value to
natural, He has given a value of 0.42" calculate the velocity of light based
or 1.07 cms, to UA on the basis of on its Vedic value of 4404 Y per
many comparative references and Nimesa (0.25 sec.) which is suffi
logistics. Based on this, 1 UY-5 ciently close to the current value.20 miles or 8 30 kms. and the height It must, however, be said that there of the Lord as 5.84 feet or 178 cms. is no confirmed base for this value
which seems to be reasonable. He
has given critical descriptions about of angula, though L. O
also the various body heights in literature agrees with this value. The acceptance and has canonically defined the stanof different values for the same dard UA, However, his concept of basic unit creates doubt on the re
natural angula being standard could liability of calculations based on them. not be justified on account of its
larger variability than an atom. Muni Chandan'has also discussed the equivalance of UA on the basis Lishk et el! have given a fourth of height of Lord Mahavira as 7 H. value for UY as 0.085 km. (0.051 He maintains that the canonical miles) equivalent to a value of app. height is based on UA which is 0.001 cm for the UA. They have equal to 3,5 H in self measure. This suggested that the values of these is equal to 84 AA as 1H=24 AA units should be decided on the basis of
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