and qualities. If we define this mea- included in the five ‘astikayas' (reasure as that which has measuring lity with space.points) from the very limits beyond the fineness and gros beginning and hence its position is sness of worldly measures which may somewhat different from the time be invisible or unholdable, stlll the reality. The space has infiniteness, numerable measures of matter, the extension and omnipresence. It has varieties of angula (A) etc, of length no varieties of practical and real type and muhurta, day, fortnight etc., like time. Nevertheless, it is assum. units of time can never be called ed for practical purposes that the paraworldly. In addition, Akalanka space occupied by atom is known as has divided the matter-measure in pradesa or unit space point. The exttwo varieties : number-measure and ension of space is denoted in the simile measure (Upama-mana). The form of these spasce points. The infilatter has eight v
out of
niteness of space is due its infinite which, palya and Sagara are definit
number of space-points. These are ely time units and the rest six are
the basis for length or distance units. length units. The simile measure, These are also the base for quantittherefore, should not be taken as ative descriptions of the canons. subclass of matter-measure of para
These are termed as 'akasanulo or worldly type Of course, it would space atoms like matter atoms These be a different case if one assumes are the measures of minimum length them to be matter units because they and thus form its basic units. As the are closely related to matter. This space has extension, it could be 2-or will mean a regress point. In view 3 demensional also. Hence the basic of these discrepant facts, the Akala- unit of pradesa also forms tbe basis nka classification of measures seems
for area and volume units.
It has been seen that time and to be superfluous and not important.
distances are independent of each A serious consideration is necessary
other, still the length units are descon this point.
ribed in canons as corelated with Basis of Measure of Length in
time units. The larger units of time laina Canons : Space Point or palva and sagara-have been defined Pradesa
on the basis of yojana-a length unit Tainas have independant reality of Though S. TP. RV and JDP follow space like time. It accommodates all this tradition, T the ADS and SK the realities in the universe and it is (Sutkhanddgama-1) deal length units the basis for their inovements. It was independently.
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