All over Australia. I will tell them Have broadcast from Salt Lake City, they Can Be the catylist in the Revo- covered Las Vegas etc. Many other lution that will end all Revolutions, sac article from our wonderful Free a return to Sanity and Gods Flat Press, How blessed we are to live in Earth. Will they, Can they do it ? a nation where total freedom of Time will tell. (This paper will go speech and press is and Thought is to many in Australia.)
allowed ! I thank each writer for your We broadcast via telephone in thoughtful article. "May the Eternal Montreal, the Paris of the West God of Truth bless and prosper each covered Quebec. The Pommie Scien. newspaper, magazines or radio sta tists and rest of Canada saw it at tions or betwork, and each and every CBC Canada TV. Didn't have the person who has shown an interest in money this season to send for us. The Truth ! Amen."
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