other Gai
the abodes Other Earths
a Super Black-Hole connecting many ued remained intact had been written universes as it connects four to five down before 1300 and 700 years, 1 such kingdoms of space-gods. Jains have brought here in the United States believe there are altogether fourteen
the original book (now not available) such kingdoms of space-gods or un
translated before five decades and iverses (Lokas or Rajlokas) as they
fully bases on these aforesaid ancient mention in Jain Astronomy. These books of Jain Astronomy." fourteen Rajlokas of Brahma--Lokas T hus finally picture described in arc. planes or planets iu the space and Jain Astronomy shows us a Super have been briefly described in the Black-Hole extending to a vast book written by me, soon to be pu space, region on not only our Mother blished, I firmly believe that this Earth or our own Galaxy but a wider Super Black-Hole of Jains confirms region of space covering other Galto a great deal to the requirements axies and other Earths leading us to of the science especially to the penrose
the abodes of highly intelligent and
civilized beings in Space, diagrams of traingles and a bull-dozer
As J. Ray Dettling writes on the type of situation and the Einstein
topic of Times Travel in September Rosenberg Bridges leading to the other worlds or universes. The pict.
1982 Science Digest, (Page 88), “Theure of this 'Tamáskay Region of Deep
ory predicts that one can cross the Darkness in the space which can be Eyent Horizon of a rotating Black perfectly donsidered as a Super Black
Hote and emerge into another unive
ise unscathed 'provided the Black Hole of Jalns is 'enclosed herewith
Hole is massive enough". William which will surely convince the rcaders
Kaufmann has also described these that the Black-Hole was invented by
possibilities in his book the Cosmtice Jain Lords who had absolute know.
Protiers of General Relativity. and ledge of Astronomy of all the gala- this Super Black Hole of Jain Astroxies and the universe thousands of nomy is really massive enough as. years ago. The space and atomic described and depicted in the picture
shown in the Jain Books. knowledge which did not provide
I am willing to welcome researcongenial spiritual tendencies for a chers and scientists to study and happy spiritual human living was not scrutinize the knowledge given in given much importance. This astro. ancient religious books of India. micalal knowlede has been handed Thesa books were written when no down by the Saintly Lords orally to
one knew anything about the Black
Hole-Mini-Maxi or the Super one. successive preceptors and generations which was lost much in time and Only Jain Astronomers knew and during most of the foreign invasions described thiş Tamąskay Region of especially Muslim ones. Whatever tesc. Deep Darkness in the space above.
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