Black-Holes Known To Jaina religion Thousands Of Years Ago
Author : Niranjan Vakharia
3 mishigon (U.S.AT End owed with rational mind, every physical phenomenon. They were human being is free to think as he selfless seekers of Truth. They were so desirës. But thinking is one thing not for Nobel Prize. Theirs was the and propounding something is quite the aim to bring maximum good to another. There are theses and antit- the maximum humanity. heses in the world; and truth emerges',
Why do we rise now ? What has from the conflicting forces. No right
driven us to aspire. so high, so sincere : thinking person will say, Ming is
o Tlaese days, there is a tendency the last word.” When Austars came
- in almost every human heart to accept on the earth, they failed to embody
toate or establish, that which has either the perfection within them, What to
logical (so called) inference or scien
tific belief. Every thing else is foreign talk of us, humans as we are ? a Still there is a hope of catching
to their mental existence. They believe at the truth. Our scriptures say that
what they see, “But seeing is not Truth is another form of Divine.”
, believing. What we cannot see does
not exist "The worm crawling on the Such truth is enthroned not in the
earth is a reality and the eagle soaring human heart. It is visualised by over
- 80 high is humbug : we should hảve mind mind and supermind. If we shun four physical mind to project' or
* broader outlook and try to weigh and
consider what others say. manipulate and allow the supermind to function within us, it becomes easy
Even out famous poet Kalidas
, said : to have the glimpse of the Truth. Our Ticthankar Bhagwan. Our
पुराणमित्येव न साधु सर्वम्, न seers and our Saints had such चापि काव्यम् नवम् ईत्यक्यम् । potentialities, with which they could part offenders Head, grasp the truth lying behind the मूढः परप्रत्ययनेयबुद्धि ।
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