(8) on a full Moon day the moon find out the truth of scientific astrois visible from the earth as a full dine nautical achievements of the present inch globe. If Appollo-11 had reached day with the help of Indian culture the Moon, the earth from there should and philosophy. have been visible as a 36 inch globe Today the man is deeply concerned since the latter is four times bigger with rapid progress through mecha. than the former. There is howevernical innovations, but this progress not a single picture or photograph has led to increase absurdities and ai. showing the big earth.
mlessness. It is widely propagated that
the asrth is found and it rotates. If In view of this we have started
this takes firm roots in the minds of pondering over the things around us
the masses, the people will begin to scientifically and objectively. An im
lose faith in the scriptures, which dimense contribution is being made by the learned Munishree Athayasagarji
scuss variety of topics leaeding to spi
ritual progress. If that happens, the Maharaj in this himalayan effort to find
very concept of hea ven and hell, merits out the truth. He spares no pains
and demerits, atma and paramatma, to preach and teach educated
which has saved the Aryans from the youngsters the methods
clutches of materialism, will perish, over the objects of the Univrse thr
It is beyond the shadow of a doubt ough spiritul philosophy and also the
that modern scientists shall have to methods of distinguishing between
recognize the value and importance the so called truth established through
of our Maharaj shree and his objective propaganda and the real truth that
investigation and analysis. can be perceived through pondering upon the principles of science or
Preparations are under way for Geography.
the erection of a grand structure of
the finest marble near Jain Agam As a result of these continuing Mandir, opp. Jain Society in Palitana, endeavours the earth Rotation Rese- in the Saurastra Region of Gujarat arch Institue has brought out as many state. The structure to be built on the as 28 books in English, Hindi, San- modern scale system (526 6-19skit & Gujarti. Munishree Abhayasa- 10000 Kolas-1 foot) on a large plot garji has engaged himself in the of about 40000 sq. yards will be objective investigation and research named Jambu Dwip. When this stron the shape and size of the earth ucture will be ready, it will be easy and its rotation. He is also trying to to understand scientfically,
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